Lost in the Sound

"Lost in the Sound" effortlessly blends pop-indie vibes with soulful undertones and a hint of folk, creating a rich tapestry that captivates listeners from the very first note.

“Lost in the Sound” is an anxthem that dives into the deeply personal experience of losing oneself and the anguish of muted voices. Drawing listeners into its narrative, the song captures the turmoil of being trapped in repetitive cycles, an echoing sense of being directionless.

The turning point, a pivotal moment in the song, narrates the profound realization and rediscovery of one's voice - their unique 'sound.' This rediscovery acts as a cathartic release, a euphoria, symbolizing freedom and forward momentum. The profound lyrics give the idea that in finding one's sound, one finds their ultimate high, an ecstatic release from the torment of the past. The song's journey from despair to elation is powerfully evocative, providing a soulful story of liberation and self-discovery.

Merch Coming Soon!

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